Result 3 of 18

Display page dates: 02/19/1925; 02/20/1925
Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 248
Thursday, February 19, 1925 (continued)
(2) Avenue G 0 [G 7000 X // GAR]
G 7000 X: A curious patch of cement [= plaster // GAR] from 5 - 7 cm thick and about 320 cm from north to south and 90 from east to west has been found a little way west of G 7101 P. This has been mapped and as the rock has been cut as for a door or pit-mouth at the south it will be explored carefully. The whole lay under a stratum of debris presumably of Dynasty 6. [This plaster according to the Arabic records was first noticed on February 9 by Mohammedani, the camera boy, while photographing Queens' Street [Street G 7000], before the clearing of the mason's debris had been completed. The mason's debris on which the old Khufu's floor rested covered this patch of plaster and the shaft found later. This debris and the floor above it were of the time of Khufu and the patch of plaster had been laid down previous to the deposition of the mason's debris. This fact was noted by me previous to my departure. // GAR] [Photo references: February 9 - C10897 taken February 13, 1925, looking south-southwest // GAR]
[margin note GAR] The debris covering this patch was continuous with that which bore the floor of the crude brick temple of G I-1 and was therefore of Dynasty 4
(3) G 7102
G 7102 C: This, the tomb of Iduw [Idu], is now being cleared and the coffin lid slid away so that the inscription inside may be copied.
Professor James Breasted, of Chicago, visited the work this afternoon with a friend, and they were shown around.
Friday, February 20, 1925
100th day of work
Quftis: 82
Locals: 106
[total]: 191
Cars emptied:
Line VI 6:40 am - 8:00 am: 82, 8:30 am - noon: 264, 1:00 pm - 5:15 pm: 280
[total] 626
work on:
(1) Street G 7500
(2) Avenue G 0 [G 7000 X // GAR]
(3) G 7102 C
(1) Street G 7500
On the surface the men continue northwards and are now about 12 meters north of the "Chapel with Arches" G 7517. Here they have found the sculptured walls of a small mastaba of (?)(Dynasty 6 - 11) belonging to [TRANSLITERATION] [Nihetep-ptah Hepi, G 7521]. The north wall shows:
[The west wall:]
microfilm: end page 248
End of Diary Transcription
Mentioned On This Page:People:
James Henry Breasted American, 1865–1935
Henenti (in G 7521)
Inti (in G 7521)
Wehemre (in G 7521)
Teti (in G 7521)
Imti (in G 7521)
Nihetep-ptah Hepi (G 7521)
Ir[...](?) (in G 7521)
Shefetnet (in G 7521)
Meresankh (in G 7521)
Mohammedani Ibrahim (expedition photographer)
Idu (G 7102)
James Henry Breasted American, 1865–1935
Henenti (in G 7521)
Inti (in G 7521)
Wehemre (in G 7521)
Teti (in G 7521)
Imti (in G 7521)
Nihetep-ptah Hepi (G 7521)
Ir[...](?) (in G 7521)
Shefetnet (in G 7521)
Meresankh (in G 7521)
Mohammedani Ibrahim (expedition photographer)
Idu (G 7102)
MFA Document