Result 14 of 18

Display page dates: 08/15/1936; 08/16/1936; 08/17/1936

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 382

Saturday, August 15, 1936 (continued)

(1) G 2093 (continued)
G 2093: Drawing of the mastaba, and G 2092.


Sunday, August 16, 1936

work on
(1) G 2092

(1) G 2092
In the room which is north of this mastaba, drift sand, and underneath white limestone debris and dubsh. Not yet cleared.

Salem Hassan, Mohamedani, Haddad [Hadad Adawi], Mursi [Mursi Hassan] left to Quft.

Monday, August 17, 1936

work on
(1) G 2092 in the room
(2) 2092a

(1) G 2092
In the room of the mastaba which is north of the mastaba and have two columns, drift sand, dubsh and stones. In the room on northwest appears G 2092a. Mastaba cleared.

microfilm: end page 382

End of Diary Transcription
MFA Document