Result 13 of 18

Display page dates: 05/15/1936; 05/16/1936
Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 325
Friday, May 15, 1936 (continued)
(2) G 2420 (continued)
Mohamedani photographed the first statuette and left the excavations to go to the village without any permission at 10:30 in the morning. After removing the first statuette we find the head and another statuette, we send for Mohamedani to photograph the objects but we could not find him, then the Mudir ordered Mustapha to photograph the statuette and the head and ordered us to write that in the diary.
Saturday, May 16, 1936
work on
(1) G 2420 A, B, C, D
(1) G 2420
G 2420 A: In shaft and chamber. Lined with dubsh, but only on west partly destroyed. It is south of B, east of E and north of room a. Total depth 1.65 meters, sand, limestone debris, and dubsh. Chamber on east lined with dubsh. Roofed with stones. No blocking. Cleared. Drawing.
G 2420 B: In shaft and chamber. Lined with dubsh, partly destroyed on west. It is north of A, south of C, and east of F. Total depth 1.73 meters, sand, some limestone debris and stones. Chamber on east lined with dubsh and bound with mud. Roofed with stones. No blocking. Cleared.
G 2420 C: In shaft and chamber. It is north of B, south of I, lined with dubsh. Total depth 1.80 meters, sand, limestone debris and dubsh. Chamber on south lined with dubsh. Roofed with stones. No blocking. Cleared. Drawing.
microfilm: end page 325
End of Diary Transcription
Mentioned On This Page:People:
Mohammedani Ibrahim (expedition photographer)
George Andrew Reisner American, 1867–1942
Mohammedani Ibrahim (expedition photographer)
George Andrew Reisner American, 1867–1942
MFA Document