Result 11 of 18

Display page dates: 07/26/1932 through 08/07/1932
Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 1186
Tuesday, July 26, 1932
Day of rest.
Wednesday, July 27, 1932
G 2210
G 2210 A: Down 24.3 meters, rakash, dubsh, and little sand.
Thursday, July 28, 1932
G 2210
G 2210 A: Down 24.6 meters, dubsh, salat and sand.
Friday, July 29, 1932
G 2210
G 2210 A: Down 25.08 meters, rakash, dubsh, salat and sand.
Saturday, July 30, 1932
G 2210
G 2210 A: Down 25.5 meters, rakash, dubsh, salat and sand.
Sunday, July 31, 1932
G 2210
G 2210 A: Down 25.8 meters, rakash, dubsh, salat and sand. At 25.6 meters.
Monday, August 1, 1932
G 2210
G 2210 A: Down 26 meters.
Tuesday, August 2, 1932
Day of rest.
Arrived from village: Salem Hassan, son Moh. Salem, Atito Mahmud, brother Ahmed Mahmud, Dahi Ahmed, Mahmud Ali, Ahmed ed Dongi.
Duwey Mahmud went to village.
Wednesday, August 3, 1932
G 2210
G 2210 A: Down 26.3 meters, rakash, dubsh, salat and sand.
Mrs. and Miss Reisner and Bill S. Smith arrived at Port Said by S.S. Orousay (Orient Line) at eight o'clock, Cairo 4:15 p.m., camp 4:45 p.m.
Thursday, August 4, 1932
G 2210
G 2210 A: Bottom on pit S at 26.6 meters.
Abd el Kerim.
Friday, August 5, 1932
G 2210
G 2210 A: Mohamedani photographed first row of door blocking stones.
Telegraphed for: Alam Gad el Kerim
Saturday, August 6, 1932
G 2210
G 2210 A: Burial chamber blocked by two rows of door blocking stones but not in original position. First row drawn by H. Handrick. Three of the four stones with one quarry mark each in black and one with one red and an black one.
Sunday, August 7, 1932
G 2210
G 2210 A: H. Handrick ordered inscribed stones of first row to be brought up.
Mursi [Mursi Hassan], Mustafa, Bishir [Bashir el-Adjemi], Deoni, Abd es Salam Abd el Salif [Abd-el-Salem Abd-el-Latif], Ahmed Abdalla Sulieman, Rifai Abd el Azim left for Quft. Arrived from village: Alam Gad el Kerim.
microfilm: end page 1186
End of Diary Transcription
Mentioned On This Page:People:
Ahmed Mahmud el-Nahi
Ahmed el-Dongi
Ahmed Abdalla Sulieman
Attito Mahmud el-Nahi
Hansmartin Handrick
Bashir el-Adjemi
Alam Gad el-Kerim
Miss Mary Reisner American, 1902–1963
Abd-el-Salam Abd-el-Latif
William Stevenson Smith American, 1907–1969
Dahi Ahmed (expedition photographer)
Mrs. Mary Reisner American,
Rifai Abd-el-Azim
Salem Hassan (expedition cook)
Mursi Hassan
Mahmoud Ali
Mustapha Abu el-Hamd (expedition photographer)
Mohamed Salem
Mohammedani Ibrahim (expedition photographer)
Ahmed Mahmud el-Nahi
Ahmed el-Dongi
Ahmed Abdalla Sulieman
Attito Mahmud el-Nahi
Hansmartin Handrick
Bashir el-Adjemi
Alam Gad el-Kerim
Miss Mary Reisner American, 1902–1963
Abd-el-Salam Abd-el-Latif
William Stevenson Smith American, 1907–1969
Dahi Ahmed (expedition photographer)
Mrs. Mary Reisner American,
Rifai Abd-el-Azim
Salem Hassan (expedition cook)
Mursi Hassan
Mahmoud Ali
Mustapha Abu el-Hamd (expedition photographer)
Mohamed Salem
Mohammedani Ibrahim (expedition photographer)
MFA Document