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Display page dates: 06/08/1939; 06/30/1939; 07/02/1939; 07/03/1939; 07/04/1939; 07/05/1939
Diary Transcription: page 826
microfilm: begin page 826
Thursday, June 8, 1939 (continued)
(1) G 2430 (continued)
Drawing of G 2430 A.
Friday, June 30 1939
Mr. Floroff left Cairo and stayed in a house in the village (Nazlet-el-Samman).
Sunday, July 2 1939
In bringing objects from the magazines to be ready in the office for the division. Also today was the last day for H. Handrick at the camp. He married a week ago and he resigned from the expedition and they accepted his resignation by cable (he took all his personal luggage and everything belong[ing] to him). All of his luggage was sent in by the Old Car to his friends house, Sharia Abd-el-Rahim Sabry Pasha.
Monday, July 3 1939
Bedawi left to Quft.
Tuesday, July 4 1939
Prof. Drioton, Mr. R. Engleback and Mahmoud Manza Eff came early this morning for the division. Bill was with them all the time, they finished at 10.30 a.m. They put their marks on most of the good statuettes, but two of them with ? mark (hoping they will do their best).
Wednesday, July 5 1939
Work on:
(1) G 2075 D(2)
(2) G 2231 B
(1) G 2075
G 2075 D(2): Removed the bones of the body from the chamber. The bottom of the decayed wooden coffin remains in place because of its decay. Found in chamber: the stem of the wooden headrest which we found before. Cleared. Drawing on page 827.
microfilm: end page 826
End of Diary Transcription
Mentioned On This Page:People:
William Stevenson Smith American, 1907–1969
Mahmoud Manza (Effendi)
Alexander Floroff
Reginald Engelbach British, 1888–1946
Etienne Marie-Félix Drioton French, 1889–1961
Hansmartin Handrick
Badawi Ahmed (expedition photographer)
William Stevenson Smith American, 1907–1969
Mahmoud Manza (Effendi)
Alexander Floroff
Reginald Engelbach British, 1888–1946
Etienne Marie-Félix Drioton French, 1889–1961
Hansmartin Handrick
Badawi Ahmed (expedition photographer)
MFA Document