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Display page dates: 02/11/1912; 02/12/1912; 02/13/1912; 02/14/1912
Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 31
Sunday, February 11, 1912 (continued)
of 1:50 on sheets of similar size. Periods and different constructions shown in colors and shading. Also levels above sea as obtained from survey department mark at end of Pyramid Road.
The portico tomb [= G 2100-II] found by Junker is very nearly perfect with cornice and roof intact. In front of it is a small space completely enclosed with a wall of finely dressed masonry with round top [ILLUSTRATION].
Tuesday, February 13, 1912
There are a number of chambers north of VIII 5 [= G 2180]. This mastaba while lying parallel to the others and with a space between it and VIII 4 [= G 2160] equal to that between the others, is longer and extends beyond VIII 4 [= G 2160] to the north, its northern face being several meters north of the south face of IX 4 [= G 2170]. To the north of this, but with its west face set back to the east is the wall of another new mastaba [= G 2184]; no trace of which had shown on surface (IX). In the wider space between it [= G 2184] and IX 4 [= G 2170] are the series of rooms already referred to. All have part of the walls sculptured in relief, with colors still discernable.
Wednesday, February 14, 1912
In one of the small chambers (61) and in a mass of debris were the badly split remains of two small limestone statuettes [MFA 12.1505], colored. Around and above them were remains of wood decayed with a fine thin pink stucco with small fragments of design in colors. None of
microfilm: end page 31
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