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Display page dates: 03/18/1925; 03/29/1925; 03/20/1925; 03/21/1925
Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 290
Wednesday, March 18, 1925 (continued)
(2) G 7000 X
Our carpenter has now begun work in the pit putting on wooden supports for the rotten parts of the sides.
Yesterday the boys were sent off to Quft and this afternoon Bashreis Mahmud went together with most of the men. There remain 45 to act as guards, as house staff and to finish off various small works in the field, besides the specially trained men, such as photographers, tape-men etc. In all 73 have now returned to Quft.
[March 19 See Said's Diary basing pit G 7000 X]
Friday, March 20, 1925
work on:
G 7000 X etc.
The pit is still being strutted up with wooden planks and it seems likely that the work will take about a week.
The rest of the bones from the shrine of offerings were thoroughly waxed this morning, and the basket containing the fragments of charcoal was examined. Several small chips of pottery were found here, of various wares. The charcoal was weighed and found to be 26.5 ounces say, allowing for several chips adhering to the jaws and for dust, 27.5 ounces in all. There were several chips of ivory.
One man is superintending a little further digging up for Dr. Rusch on the south face of the Great Pyramid, east of the earlier work.
Several men have been lent to Dr. Junker, of those who worked for him in various camps before the war. Dr. Junker has now built a small house for himself in the mastaba field west of the Great Pyramid, where he is working on photography and surveying.
One man still watches the government party who are taking chips from the debris heaps around the Great Pyramid.
Saturday, March 21, 1925
The police reported that they had arrested the man who obtained a copy of the Press Bureau communique and stole 30 PT from Mr. Tottenham. See [Saturday, March 14, 1925, No. 2 // GAR]. The man was seen in the evening and confessed that he had obtained the letter, alleging that he had then destroyed it. His name being Ga'ad Ali-Hassan he is the same as was for a few days assistant to the chauffeur in this camp two years ago and was dismissed for theft. There is probability that it was he who has since obtained money from Mr. Foucart and Mr. Firth or endeavored to do so. Rowe and Mr. Tottenham signed statements in the police station.
microfilm: end page 290
End of Diary Transcription
Mentioned On This Page:People:
Ali Ga'd Ali
Mahmud (Bashreis)
Alan Jenvey Rowe British, 1890–1968
Cecil Mallaby Firth British, 1878–1931
Said Ahmed Said [Diraz] (Reis)
Georges Foucart French, 1865–1943
Hermann Junker German, 1877–1962
Mr. Tottenham
Dr. Rusch
Ali Ga'd Ali
Mahmud (Bashreis)
Alan Jenvey Rowe British, 1890–1968
Cecil Mallaby Firth British, 1878–1931
Said Ahmed Said [Diraz] (Reis)
Georges Foucart French, 1865–1943
Hermann Junker German, 1877–1962
Mr. Tottenham
Dr. Rusch
MFA Document