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Display page dates: 01/18/1910; 01/19/1910; 01/20/1910
Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 10
Tuesday, January 18, 1910 (continued)
the second pyramid). I pointed out to them that our valley temple is nearly as large as the upper (pyramid) temple and that there ought to be a fore court still in front of the granite temple. Borchardt's conclusions on the plans of the pyramid temples will have to be modified, I think.
Wednesday, January 19, 1910
Photographs of heads made this morning - all right.
Visitors to the excavations to see the statue in position were as follows (invited by private messages): Mr. and Mrs. and Miss Iddings (American Diplomatic Agency), Mr. and Mrs. Wakeling, Holscher and Schulze (the German party), Mr. and Mrs. Philpot, Mr. and Mrs. Urquanhart, Mrs. Cassel.
Cleared the full diameter of the hole down to the feet of the statue [MFA 11.1738]. All perfect - except a scarcely noticeable chip from the end of the king's beard. Beautiful work. The basis is not inscribed. I am not yet quite certain that the king is Menkaure.
The clearing of the mud from the northwest quarter fore court continues - a work requiring great care and constant oversight. About 4 p.m. the gang at work on the strip in front of the doorway to Dynasty 6 temple found a shattered slate triad [MFA 11.3147] lying on its back in the mud. The head and feet were smashed and the left side. This beautifully worked triad had been larger than those found last year (120 - 130 cm) and consisted from right to left of Hathor, Menkaure, and a nome represented as a god, all standing and holding hands.
Thursday, January 20, 1910
This morning came Sir Ernest Cassel and later Mrs. Beals to see the statue.
Work went on as usual on the northwest quarter fore court until noon. I also started a small gang following out the foundation walls of the old 4th temple in room II 1.
After lunch began to get statue [MFA 11.1738] out of hole. Sent all the younger hands to sand lifting and all the strong ones for the heavy job. The statue had to be lifted up about 2 meters onto
microfilm: end page 10
End of Diary Transcription
Mentioned On This Page:People:
Dr. and Mrs. Wakeling
Mr. Schulze
Mrs. Beale
Mr. and Mrs. Urquanhart
Ludwig Borchardt German, 1863–1938
Mrs. Ernest Cassel
Mr., Mrs., and Miss Iddings
Uvo Hölscher 1878–1963
Sir Ernest Cassel
Mr. and Mrs. Philpot
Dr. and Mrs. Wakeling
Mr. Schulze
Mrs. Beale
Mr. and Mrs. Urquanhart
Ludwig Borchardt German, 1863–1938
Mrs. Ernest Cassel
Mr., Mrs., and Miss Iddings
Uvo Hölscher 1878–1963
Sir Ernest Cassel
Mr. and Mrs. Philpot
MFA Document