Result 2 of 1245

Display page dates: 12/15/1909; 12/16/1909
Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 2
Wednesday, December 15, 1909
Clearing away the sand only, to an average depth of 3 meters, we have laid bare a packed mass of mud debris just as in the portion excavated in 1908. At 11 meters south of the edge of the old excavation we came on what seems to be the southern face of the temple. The mud debris which conceals at present the southern rooms of the temple is to remain untouched until the whole site is clear of sand. On the surface of the mud debris were several basket-fulls of alabaster and slate chips from statues and a small alabaster saucer.
Thursday, December 16, 1909
South of the southern face (?) of the temple, we are now clearing the sand away to find the corridor which leads around the building to the south. At a depth of about 1 meter below the mud surface, mentioned yesterday, there is a second mud surface sloping away to the south. This must contain the corridor unless there is an extension of the temple to the south (which is improbable).
microfilm: end page 2
End of Diary Transcription
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