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Display page dates: 10/28/1915; 10/29/1915
Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 21
Thursday, October 28, 1915 (continued)
[(1) East of G 5130 (continued)]
exterior rubble chapel opening to the north.
(2) G 5031
G 5031 is not yet entirely clear but the back part closed the eastern entrance to G 4940 exterior chapel. Apparently this
space outside east door of exterior chapel G 4940 was used as a dump for broken offering vessels from G 4940 and then filled in after the construction of G 5031.
Friday, October 29, 1915
day 7
Work on
(1) street east of G 5130
(2) G 5031
(3) G 5032
(4) G 5040 pit B
(1) East of G 5130
Section east-west through street east of G 5130: [ILLUSTRATION] First layer of filling made after construction of G 5130. N.B. order a, b, c, d, e, f. X construction trench of G 5230 filled with stones.
(2) G 5031
G 5031 (and G 5032). [ILLUSTRATION] [typed copy says see overleaf page 22]
Finished G 5031. No inscription in O. In south end of O an intrusive pit (x). In debris of A, a small R.P. [red polished] pot [ILLUSTRATION] height about 10 cm, and a small flint chip.
(3) G 5032
G 5032 (see page 22 [note above] plan). This is contemporaneous with G 5031. This south niche [false door of Redines] is a very curious little stela with a figure in sunk relief en face in the middle panel. The feet
microfilm: end page 21
End of Diary Transcription
MFA Document