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Display page dates: 12/19/1924
Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 88
Friday, December 19, 1924 (continued)
(1) G 7120 (continued)
This Prince Ka-wa'ab is probably the same as the one named on the stone around top of the mastaba Lepsius 43 (G 5210) west of Khufu pyramid. The man named there was "steward of [GLYPHS]" and steward of another princess and of the princess [GLYPHS].
The sloping passage is too narrow to admit the coffin which was no doubt introduced through the pit (see page 81).
(2) Street G 7100
The clearing of street G 7100 at the crossing with avenue G 2 was finished and work began in front of G 7120 (south end).
The three mastabas G 7110 and G 7120, G 7210 and G 7220, and G 7310 and G 7320 all have the same form.
(3) G 7130
G 7130 A: Reached bottom of pit and began clearing chamber.
(4) Street G 7200
Clearing street G 7200 in front of G 7230. There is over a meter of unsifted earth at the bottom but it appears to have been disturbed. Above that are heaps of sebbakh siftings. In the dirty debris and sifting, small object of the Ptolemaic-Roman period as in street G 7000.
microfilm: end page 88
End of Diary Transcription
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