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Display page dates: 01/09/1926

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 132

Saturday, January 9, 1926
46th day of work.

Telegram from Hawes announcing Dunham's appointment to be assistant curator of the Egyptian Department B.M.F.A.

Southwest storm continues. About noon wind shifted to west and blew harder, with dust.

Quftis: 90

Work on:
(1) Pyramid G I-c east face, south part
(2) Isis Temple
(3) Street G 7000, south of Isis Temple
(4) Pits in Isis Temple
(a) G 7011 C
(b) G 7011 D
(c) G 7011 E
(d) G 7011 F
(e) G 7011 G
(f) Pit in room F
(g) Pit in room P
(5) G 7130 + G 7140 (south end, back)

Cars emptied:
Line IV to 8:00 am: 66, 8:30 to noon: 187, 1:00 to 4:30 pm: 210
total: 463
Very short carry all day and debris of decay.

(1) Pyramid G I-c
Clearing debris of decay from east face of G I-c reach southeast corner.

(2) Isis Temple
Clearing southeast quarter of room Q.
Removed debris north of room M and uncovered a short flight of steps which led up to room F (lettered room of stair, N).


microfilm: end page 132

End of Diary Transcription
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