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Display page dates: 11/13/1912; 11/14/1912

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 36

Wednesday, November 13, 1912 (continued)

[G 2370 A (continued)]
-made) [12-11-29] [ILLUSTRATION]
I do not think, however, that this is the main pit of G 2370.

West was expected but did not arrive.

Thursday November 14, 1912

West not yet arrived.

G 2370 finished except outside.
Clearing north of G 2370 and north of G 2353.
North of G 2370 came on south end of G 2375. Rough battened masonry with wide niche. Slit on left (south) of niche opens into a serdab. The roof of serdab had been opened (four stones still in place) and the slit broken in antiquity. The room was filled with debris (little sand). The south wall was broken in two places. Not clear at sunset.
Between G 2370 and G 2375 in upper debris fragment of an alabaster head-rest [12-11-33]. [ILLUSTRATION]

North of G 2371 (mud-brick mastaba) in debris a small limestone model vase from a servant statuette [12-11-34].

In chamber of G 2353 B, in a mass of stones, fragments of two limestone statuettes [12-11-38, 12-11-39]. The chamber has been re-used for an intrusive burial (extended) on which occasion the back of the chamber had been piled full of stones.

In chamber G 2360 G, pottery [12-11-36, 12-11-37] [ILLUSTRATION] red-polished.

microfilm: end page 36

End of Diary Transcription
Mentioned On This Page:

Louis Caulton West American, born 1882
MFA Document