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Display page dates: 08/29/1935; 08/30/1935; 08/31/1935
Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 112
Thursday, August 29, 1935 (continued)
(1) G 2320 [= G 5280] (continued)
Drawing of G 2320 I [= G 5280 I] with measurements
Friday, August 30, 1935
Work on
(1) G 2320 I [= G 5280]
(2) G 5032 add F
(1) G 2320 [= G 5280]
G 2320 I [= G 5280 I]: In shaft. Down 7.3 meters. Sand, limestone debris and underneath black debris, some papers, bones and fragments of cloth. Found in shaft debris: fragments of wood. Chamber II appears on south running to east and to north. It is cut in rock. Two stone courses are not yet removed. Skeleton. Ox bones and two fragments of wooden coffin appears in chamber. In the southeast corner of the chamber appears a small magazine, lined with dubsh. Not reached the rock in shaft.
(2) G 5032 add
G 5032 add F: Removed the body from the chamber. Drawing.
Saturday, August 31, 1935
Work on
(1) G 2320 I [= G 5280]
(2) G 2353
(3) G 2360
(1) G 2320 [= G 5280]
G 2320 I [= G 5280 I]: In shaft and chamber. Total depth 7.7 meters. Black debris, in shaft and sand, limestone debris in chamber. Reached the rock in shaft. Chamber not yet cleared.
(2) G 2353
Removed two fragments of offering basin from the top of G 2353 to the Camp. The small fragment is inscribed.
(3) G 2360
Removed six fragments of limestone (inscribed) to the Camp. Drawing of the inscribed stones on page 113.
microfilm: end page 112
End of Diary Transcription
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