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Display page dates: 06/10/1940 through 06/17/1940

Diary Transcription: page 1007

microfilm: begin page 1007

Monday, June 10, 1940
Guards in cleaning the road in front [of] the rock cut tomb L.G. 71.
I (Mohammed Said) went [to] Cairo and took Hamid Genawi with me and packed eight boxes in Mr. Blanchard's shop.

Tuesday, June 11, 1940
We took down to the Eastern Cemetery seven boxes of Mr. Schacht's library and put them in a chamber east of G 7000 X and east of Qa'ar and Iduw.
Also we took down to the Eastern Cemetery books, negatives, and papers and put them in Meresankh tomb G 7530-40.

Wednesday, June 12, 1940
We took down the Eastern Cemetery sixteen more boxes of Schacht's library and put them with the other seven boxes (see yesterday's [entry]).

Thursday, June 13, 1940
Today we employed three boys to work with the guards in G 7710a.
1) G 7710a: in cleaning the street and the room of that rock cut tomb. That tomb will be for Miss Reisner. It is north of L.G. 71 with the door opened to the east: sand, dirty debris limestone debris and rubble. Found in debris inside the door of the rock cut tomb:
small alabaster dish.
faience object.
faience udjat eye.
The tomb is cleaned and ready.

Also some guards in cleaning the car road between G 7000 X and the rock cut tomb L.G. 71. Road not yet cleaned.
Also in repairing the window of the rock cut north of G 7310.

Friday, June 14, 1940

work on
(1) in the kitchen of G 7710
(2) North of G 7410

(1) G 7710
In cleaning that place to be used as a kitchen when all the Hawagat will be in the Eastern Field. The tomb is cut in the rock with roof whole gone and door opened to north: sand, dirty debris, limestone debris and inscribed stones from the rock cut tomb L.G. 71. Room not yet cleaned.

(2) G 7410
Guards and masons in building a door and a window in the street of the rock cut tomb which is north of that mastaba, beside Khufu Causeway to have it ready for Miss Perkins and Miss Ginger in case of air raids.

Also guards in cleaning the cars roads between G 7000 X and L.G. 71.

Saturday, June 15, 1940

work on
(1) In the kitchen east of G 7710

(1) East of G 7710
In cleaning the kitchen. Cleaned. Mason and guards in leveling the walls of the kitchen and having it ready for the roof.

An iron door has been put on the door of G 7752 for Mr. Blanchard's antiquities.

Sunday, June 16, 1940
Guards and boys in cleaning the cars road east of G 7000 X. Mason and guards in roofing the kitchen. Kitchen now ready.

Monday, June 17, 1940

work on
(1) G 7712
(2) G 7714
(3) East of G 7631

(1) G 7712
In cleaning that rock cut tomb and making ready for staying in it in case of air raids. It is cut in rock opened to east. Cleaned and ready.

(2) G 7714
as G 7712. Cleaned it.

(3) East of G 7631
as G 7712. Cleaned it. And also guards in cleaning car road between G 7000 X and L.G. 71.

microfilm: end page 1007

End of Diary Transcription
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