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Display page dates: 01/27/1926
Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 165
Wednesday January 27, 1926 (continued)
(1) G 7000 X
Removed sixth course from bottom of blocking in pit. Photographed fifth. D.D. drew scale plan. (*)B5873 (*)B5872
Removed fifth course from bottom of blocking in pit. Photographed fourth. D.D. drew scale plan. (*)B5874
Fourth course from bottom ready to take out tomorrow.
(2) Street G 7000 S (south)
Removing railroad embankment and surface debris west of G 7152. In the latter found the usual fragments of Saite-Roman amulets, etc.
(3) G 7151 (see also G 7153)
It is now clear that the structure G 7153 was a separate mastaba of rubble and the pits G 7151 X and Y are now renumbered G 7153 D and B.
G 7151 D: On removing 80 cm of mixed debris came on what appears to be a Saite burial in the pit- a rubble chamber roofed with slabs.
(4) G 7152
Continued clearing G 7152. In front there are two floors the old floor level with the floor of the mastaba walls and another about 2 meters higher which was probably of the Saite-Roman period.
1 = standing statue of a man.
2 and 3 = two seated statues of a woman facing door. The latter are still buried to the breast and are badly battered.
The room is inscribed in relief in the name of [GLYPHS] [Sekhemankhptah] evidently the husband of the previous [Bunefer].
microfilm: end page 165
End of Diary Transcription
Mentioned On This Page:People:
Bunefer (in G 7152)
Dows Dunham American, 1890–1984
Sekhemankhptah (G 7152)
Bunefer (in G 7152)
Dows Dunham American, 1890–1984
Sekhemankhptah (G 7152)
MFA Document