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Display page dates: 03/21/1929; 03/22/1929

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 898

Thursday, March 21, 1929 (continued)

(1) Street G 7600
East of G 7650. Clearing northwards. Debris of sand and rubble. Found: broken head of statue (limestone) [29-3-251], ushabti fragments [29-3-248], udjat eye [29-3-249], small jar [29-3-250].

(2) G 7540
G 7540 T: Removed roof blocks of sarcophagi, to photograph wooden coffin within.

(3) G 7650
G 7650 A: Down 9.8 meters. Debris of sand, rubble and fallen stones.
G 7650 C: Clearing debris from chamber. Canopic pit in southeast corner, lid lying alongside in fragments. Found in debris: three small alabaster model dishes [29-3-252, 29-3-253, 29-3-254] and fragments [29-3-255] and potsherds [29-3-256, 29-3-257].


Room 'a'. Cleared chapel 'a'. Stele missing from niche in west wall - had been 1.31 meters wide and 2.22 meters (+) high. The name over false door appears to be "[TRANSLITERATION]" [Meretites].

Friday, March 22 1929
Thirty-eighth day of work.

Locals: 54

Cars (line XIII):
6:00 - 8:00: 81
8:30 - 12:00: 81
1:00 - 5:00: 115
total: 277

Work on:
(1) G 7600
(2) G 7650 A
(3) G 7650 north of

(1) Street G 7600
East of G 7650. Clearing northwards. Found in debris: ushabti fragments [29-3-258], udjat eye [29-3-259].

(2) G 7650
G 7650 A: Down 12.5 meters.

microfilm: end page 898

End of Diary Transcription
Mentioned On This Page:

Meretites (G 7650)
MFA Document