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Display page dates: 01/20/1926; 01/21/1926

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 154

Wednesday January 20, 1926 (continued)

(3) G 7000 SW (southwest), trench 32
Examining the lower terrace wall in trench 32 (just south of G 7050). The western end is broken like the eastern and the north face is very obscurely marked (if at all). The further examination must wait until the area to the north has been completely excavated.

(4) G 7150
G 7150 B: Seventeen men on Pit B. Down 11.4 meters. Put in further props. Dirty debris.
G 7150 D: Eleven men on Pit D. Down, 9.3 meters. Dirty disturbed debris.

Thursday, January 21, 1926
56th day of work.

Sent in first communique which was prepared yesterday, by messenger early this morning and received Mr. Edgar receipt at 11:30 a.m. Wind generally west and southwest but weather otherwise mild.

Quftis: 90

Work on:
(1) G 7000 X
(2) Street G 7000 south
(3) G 7050
(4) G 7013 A
(5) G 7150 pits

Cars emptied:
Line IV to 8:00 am: 44, from 8:30 to noon: 125, from 1:00 to 4:30 pm: 110
total: 279
32 men on pits, 35 on clearing street-total 68.
The rest were on G 7000 X

microfilm: end page 154

End of Diary Transcription
Mentioned On This Page:

Campbell Cowan Edgar British, 1870–1938
MFA Document