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Display page dates: 03/26/1925; 03/27/1925

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 295

Thursday, March 26, 1925 (continued)

(3) G 7510
The two long white stones at the base of this mastaba noticed when first cleared immediately south of and adjacent to the northernmost niche were examined more closely this evening. They are rectangular in section, of fine white limestone and well-smoothed. They are mortared together and onto what seems to be the rock foundation platform beneath them. A further examination will be made tomorrow.

Friday, March 27, 1925

work on:
(1) Avenue G 2: G 7231 A
(2) G 7510

(1) Avenue G 2
G 7231 A: The remainder of the blocking in the door of G 7231 A was removed this morning. The chamber is full of debris which will be cleared immediately.

(2) G 7510
The rock in front of the two white stones described yesterday has now been cleared. A small block north of the northern one and about 30 cm inwards has been broken up. The space near it is filled with small blocks.
It is impossible to do anything more here without a certain amount of demolition of the blocks over the place. As yet it is by no means clear why these curious blocks should be here, near the niche behind which normally should have been found a pit. Possibly they may conceal a similar passage to that which in the tomb of Kawab (G 7120) connects with the pit. If so it is probable that the northern pit of G 7510 is concealed under the blocks of the mastaba itself. The casing blocks in G 7510 had certainly been covering these two stones.


microfilm: end page 295

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