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Display page dates: 05/08/1939; 05/09/1939; 05/10/1939
Diary Transcription: page 814
microfilm: begin page 814
Monday, May 8, 1939 (continued)
(7) G 2239b
G 2239b A: Removed the body [39-5-23] from the chamber and cleared it. Drawing.
(8) G 2239c
G 2239c A: Removed the body [39-5-24] from the chamber and cleared it. Drawing.
(9) G 2241
G 2241 A: Removed the bones of the body from chamber II and cleared it. Drawing.
(10) G 5210 chapel
Found on top of the room on south. Two limestone fragments with decorations and inscriptions in relief.
(11)G 5211
Mr. Bill, found on top of mastaba: limestone fragment with head and breast of figure in relief on it. Also we found east of this mastaba in the debris: small limestone fragments with two signs in relief. Removed these stones to the camp and they are perhaps from the chapel of G 5110.
In preparing a railway line north of G 2230 and G 2231, in order to expose the foundation of the mastaba G 2240 on north. Guards in building the guard hut on top of G 2220.
Tuesday, May 9 1939
Day of rest.
Wednesday, May 10 1939
Work on
(1) north of G 2240
(2) G 2241 B
(3) G 2243 C, G
(4) G 2244 B, C, D
(1) North of G 2240
In removing the dump debris searching for the foundation of G 2240 on north, and searching for the head of the kneeling statue found before. Sand, limestone debris and rubble. Found in debris: limestone object (perhaps a fruit case?). Foundation not yet exposed. Head not yet found.
microfilm: end page 814
End of Diary Transcription
MFA Document