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Display page dates: 02/24/1933; 02/25/1933

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 1231

Friday, February 24, 1933 (continued)

(6) G 2349 (continued)
G 2349 Z [= G 5530 Z]: Opened door-blocking. Bones of body in position, head north (female). Cleared, nothing found.


(7) G 2356
G 2356 A: In chamber rock-cut coffin, with rubble built above, north to south. Found in debris: fragment inscribed limestone (roughly incised), three flints. Cleared.


(8) G 4940
G 4940 B: Down 17.60 meters.

Saturday, February 25, 1933,
Ffty-fourth day of work

6:30 - 4:30

Work on:
(1) G 2103 C
(2) G 2200 [= G 5080] west of
(3) G 2340 A [= G 5480]
(4) G 2349 E [= G 5530]
(5) G 2370 east of
(6) G 4940 B

(1) G 2103
Clearing top of mastaba. Found pits E and F.
G 2103 C: Clearing pit and chamber. Depth 3.33 meters. Chamber on east, open. Cleared, nothing found.


G 2103 E: Mud-brick pit against mastaba G 2100. Depth 3.0 meters. Chamber on west, open. Cleared, nothing found.


G 2103 F: Mud-brick and rock-cut. Down 2.60 meters. Chamber on west, open.

microfilm: end page 1231

End of Diary Transcription
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