Result 39 of 95

Display page dates: 04/02/1925
Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 301
[Below will be found a summary of excavation during the season now practically closed. This may at some future time be found useful for reference.]
Summary of Excavations in Season 1924 - 5
(1) Street G 7000
Over much of the western half of this street the "Roman" circular crude brick granaries have been cleared away and bare rock exposed. This has revealed the foundation (the rock-emplacements of the foundation of the chapel of Pyramid G I-a, the unfinished rock cutting for the pyramid G I-a as originally planned, and the surface of the native rock as far as the quarry north of G 7000 X. GAR) of Pyramid G I-d and the temples of G I-a and of G I-d also the surface of pit G 7000 X.
Old Kingdom masons' chips remain to the east of temple G I-a and over most of the street to the south. At the south end has been cleared the floor of temple of G I-b and a libation trough opposite. A clearance of bare rock east of the boat of G I-a has revealed scaffold holes in the floor of a perished structure at east of street. This may be a part of temple G I-b. (lever-holes again. GAR).
Between pyramids G I-a and b the small street (Avenue G 1) has been worked in and the important discovery of a Dynasty 4 rock cut pyramid boat made. This still contains the walls of late granaries, which will be cleared later. The north face of G I-b and the east, north and south faces of G I-a have been cleared.
To the east and southeast of G 7000 X are decayed bricks under Old Kingdom construction debris, possibly from temple of G I-d. (There are retaining walls of same date as construction debris - GAR)
(2) Avenue G 0
Three tombs of the greatest importance have been found here. G 7000 X, of the date of Snefru and containing what seems to be an intact royal burial, G 7101 containing fine reliefs and an imposing facade of Dynasty 6, and G 7102 which contains unique and amazingly fresh painted reliefs and rock statues of the same date.
Pits belonging to the upper level and several rock cut tombs have been completely cleared, and the causeway foundation of Khufu has been laid bare. The boat alongside this has been shown to be such, and a pre-Khufu quarry on the site has been mainly swept to rock. The date of quarrying a stone in the causeway has been found.
Several small patches of debris around the mouths of some of these pits can hardly be removed until the record of these pits is complete. No work has been done east of G 7215 N.
(3) Street G 7100
Opposite to G 7100 brick walls and mud flooring still stand on the Old Kingdom construction debris, as also do the stone walls of G 7111 at the east. There are still as great many boulders and roofing slabs lying in this street, but the Dynasty 4 floor is visible over most of its length.
microfilm: end page 301
End of Diary Transcription
MFA Document