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Display page dates: 01/21/1912; 01/22/1912; 01/23/1912; 01/24/1912
Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 20
Sunday, January 21, 1912 (continued)
to use one-hundred and fifty (150) men, mostly from Saqqara. His season will be from five to eight weeks only. Sadiq will be his head rais.
Tuesday, January 23, 1912
Between mastabas VIII 3 [= G 2140] and IX 3 [= G 2150] are a number of burial pits, both walls of mud brick and rubble masonry. The tops of these are considerably above the original surface on which the mastabas were built. Of the mastaba IX 3 [= G 2150] the surface masonry is beginning to show. On this (south) side it is not dressed as is IX 2 [= G 2130] but is stepped.
Between VIII 4-5 [= G 2160 - G 2180] is another group of pits, not so many in number and more regularly spaced. The east face of this (VIII 4) [= G 2160] mastaba either never had a dressed face or it was removed before the later pits were sunk, as in several cases these are built directly against the rough stepped face.
Wednesday, January 24, 1912
The groups of pits are now clear so far as trench has gone. While they are being photographed, drawn and cleared, the sand in the next section will be taken off.
From the debris in No. 48 [sic!] which is built against the west face of VIII 5 [= G 2180] came several good [ILLUSTRATION] carnelian beads. This pit with its chamber is built of good stone taken from the mastaba. Several of the other pits were apparently never used (?) as they are only .5 meters deep and empty,
microfilm: end page 20
End of Diary Transcription
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