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Display page dates: 11/18/1925
Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 2
Wednesday, November 18, 1925.
First day of work.
Quftis: 96
The weather has been unusually warm and wind still the last three days. Last evening about 7:15 there was a slight shower. Lightening was seen on all sides with banks of clouds. This morning the weather was again threatening in spite of a north wind and has remained so all day. A slight shower of rain fell about 6:00 p.m. and one or two more sprinkles during the next half hour.
Work on:
(1) Front of G 6030
(2) Pit G 6010 A
(3) Pit G 6020 A
(4) Complex G 6041, etc.
(1) G 6030
The group of mastabas GL 15-18 are renumbered as follows:
G 6010 = L15 - tomb of Neferbauptah
G 6020 = L16 - tomb of Iymery
G 6030 = L17 - tomb of Iti
G 6040 = L18
microfilm: end page 2
End of Diary Transcription
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