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Display page dates: 11/15/1912; 11/16/1912
Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 37
Friday, November 15, 1912
Layer of decayed mud-brick shows destruction to have been ancient. Serdab empty except for some fragments of plaster and limestone statuettes, one of them a servant.
In G 2353 B, body of statuette [12-11-39] fitting legs found yesterday. The head [12-11-21] found in front of G 2350 [= G 5290] (see page 32) fits in this body. A small head [12-10-7] found in an X-pit between G 2300 [= G 5190] and G 2350 [= G 5290] (see page 6) fits on the other statuette [12-11-38] (man). On the floor are a number of the small alabaster saucers and vases [model jars: 12-11-41, 12-11-42, 12-11-43, 12-11-44, 12-11-45, 12-11-46, 12-11-47; model dishes: 12-11-48] [ILLUSTRATION] etc., and several limestone jars [12-11-50] (canopic).
West arrived just after noon.
Saturday, November 16, 1912
Work continued on G 2374 and G 2375, and along north side of G 2371, strip about 150 cm wide.
In the body of G 2374 is a large pit partly covered by the back wall of G 2374. The pit was filled in before
microfilm: end page 37
End of Diary Transcription
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