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Display page dates: 11/24/1924; 11/25/1924

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 35

Monday, November 24, 1924 (continued)

The Arabic newspapers continue their vehement protests and seem unable to grasp the change in the British attitude. They seem to have assumed that the concession made by the British (Constitutional parliament, internal self-government, withdrawal of British officials) were due to fear - fear of words.

The storm from southwest continued all day but the cold moderated slightly. Sun came out. We played tennis for an hour. Wonderful sunset.

Tuesday, November 25, 1924
Twenty-second day of work.

Heavy wind from southwest continued this morning but with sunshine.
Ahmed Ziwar Pasha accepted office.
[I] drove men to Saqqara. Left at nine, back at two. [Discovery of the statue of Zoser.]

Work on:
(2) G I-a, main street [street G 7000, east of G I-a]
(3) G 7121 [connecting G 7110 and G 7120]

(2) Street G 7000
G I-a, main street. Cleared away debris in main street [street G 7000] in front of street between G I-a and G I-b to line of G I-a and moved loading switch 10 meters to north. Also cleared into debris on face of G I-a and along back of G 7131.
In black debris found usual small objects of late period and also three small fragments of large alabaster statue - the mouth of a lion (from seat), and two pieces of body.

(3) G 7121
Cleared out all sand etc from G 7121 as far as top of front wall and also from west wall.
The casing of G 7110 and G 7120 continues along back of G 7121;

microfilm: end page 35

End of Diary Transcription
Mentioned On This Page:

Ahmed Ziwar (Pasha)
MFA Document