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Display page dates: 04/23/1927

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 763

Saturday, April 23, 1927
Eighty-third day of work

Cars emptied:
line XI 5:20 am - 8:00 am: 88, 8:30 - 12:00: 126, 2:00 pm - 5:30 pm: 110
Total 324

Work on:
(1) G 7500
(2) G 7350
(2a) G 7540 W
(3) G 7530 a, b, c
(4) G 7440 Z [= G 7442] [omitted on following page]

(1) Street G 7500
East of G 7530, clearing debris on upper level to north. Uncovered part of inscribed statue niche on east side of mastaba, with part of date [GLYPHS]. North of this uncovered lintel of doorway to mastaba chapel, inscribed and undamaged. Name: [TRANSLITERATION] [Meresankh], [TRANSLITERATION], [TRANSLITERATION]. Room cut in rock, inscribed within with good colors. This numbered G 7530 b, a, and c. Found in street debris: part of head limestone statue, faience vessel fragments, ushabti fragments, (continued below).

(2) G 7350
Clearing behind casing blocks. Found three casing stones with quarry marks, on north side of mastaba, and two on west.

(2a) G 7540
Clearing debris on top of mastaba in search of pits. none found.
G 7540 W: Down 16.60 meters.

(3) G 7530
Room a: (see also under no. (1) G 7500 Saturday, April 23, 1927). The room was largely filled with debris, drifted in through the doorway, with signs of water having run in down the middle.

microfilm: end page 763

End of Diary Transcription
Mentioned On This Page:

Meresankh III (G 7530-7540)
MFA Document