Result 15 of 95

Display page dates: 11/10/1924; 11/11/1924
Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 17
Monday, November 10, 1924
Tenth day of work.
Egyptians: 86 (one in hospital)
locals: 62
Total: 148
Pay day.
Work on:
(1) G I-b, [street G 7000]
(2) [back of] G 7120, [street G 7000]
(1) G I-b
Finished clearing end of embankment and underlying debris to new loading point and then continued the excavation west of the line towards the north. Trodden floor, dark debris, and bins as heretofore. The outlines of the foundation platform is now clear although damaged in place by removal of stone.
On the east the platform has an extension which manifestly supported a portal of some sort, but as the surface of the floor has not yet been swept the plan - lines are not yet visible. Eastwards is an limestone tank sunk in hard debris, as in all temples of Dynasty 4. Indicates that there was originally a "court of sacrifice" of crude brick in front of temples. The black debris continues to yield small objects and fragments as before, mostly of the same late period with a few earlier bits.
(2) G 7120
On the west of railroad a smaller gang began clearing the back of G 7120.
Tuesday, November 11, 1924
Day of rest for the men.
Rowe having finished Object Register to date began on the theodolite survey of the excavated street east of G I-b.
microfilm: end page 17
End of Diary Transcription
MFA Document