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Display page dates: 04/06/1927
Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 740
Wednesday, April 6, 1927 (continued)
(2) Street G 7400
East of G 7450, west of G 7530, clearing debris northwards, and to southwards north of mudbrick building G 7400 Pt VI.
debris below south wall:
sectional elevation
Found in debris: head of copper figure, faience amulets, ushabtis, beads, mummy facing of mud.
(1) Street G 7300
Clearing northwards in street G 7300, east of G 7350, west of G 7450. Found in debris: faience fragments, beads, ushabtis, fragment copper figure, diorite fragment.
(3) G 7540
G 7540 Y: Depth __ meters. Chamber on north, sarcophagus cut in rock, north-south. Found in chamber debris: three broken limestone vessels, four broken lids.
microfilm: end page 740
End of Diary Transcription
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