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Display page dates: 02/03/1939 through 02/09/1939

Diary Transcription: page 753

microfilm: begin page 753

Friday, February 3, 1939 (continued)

(2) G 2099 (continued)
G 2099 F: Removed the bones from the chamber and cleared it. Drawing.


Mohammed Sayed Ahmed arrived today from Quft after spending the Eids days in Quft.

Saturday, February 4, 1939

work on
(1) G 2086 on north

(1) North of G 2086
North of this mastaba. Search for new mastabas, sand, limestone debris, rubble, pebble and stones. Parts of lining of mastabas appeared, not exactly exposed.

Prepared a railway line running from east to west, above the new lining of the mastabas which is north of G 2086, G 2085 and G 2230 in order to remove the debris which is on top of the mastaba G 2230 and beside it in order to expose the lining of the mastaba G 2230.

Sunday, February 5, 1939

work on
(1) north of G 2085

(1) North of G 2085
North of this mastaba: search for the lining of new mastabas: sand, limestone debris, rubble, pebble and stones: nothing exposed.

Monday, February 6, 1939

work on
(1) north of G 2230

(1) North of G 2230
North of this mastaba. In exposing the lining on north, sand, limestone debris, rubble and stones. Exposed the northwest corner of the mastaba. The rest of the lining not yet exposed.

Ahmed Mahmud arrived today from Quft.

Tuesday, February 7, 1939
Day of rest.
Mustapha Abu-el hamd left to Quft.

Wednesday, February 8, 1939

work on
(1) North of G 2230

(1) North of G 2230
North of this mastaba. In exposing the remains of the lining on north, sand, limestone debris, rubble, stones and pebble. Found in debris: four inscribed limestone fragments, one very small alabaster fragment (perhaps from base of a bowl or part of the rim). The remains of the lining on north not yet exposed.

Thursday, February 9, 1939

work on
(1) North of G 2230

(1) North of G 2230
North of this mastaba. In exposing the lining on north, sand, limestone debris, rubble, pebble and stones. The rest of the lining on north not yet exposed.

cars emptied:
6:30 to 8:30: 82
9:00 to 12:00: 148
1:30 to __: 132
Total: 362

microfilm: end page 753

End of Diary Transcription
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