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Display page dates: 03/10/1940; 03/11/1940
Diary Transcription: page 915
microfilm: begin page 915
Sunday, March 10, 1940
Work on:
(1) G 2466
(2) G 2468 D
(1) G 2466
On top of that mastaba, exposing the lining and the shafts in that mastaba. Sand, limestone debris, rubble and red debris. Exposed the lining on west. Remains of the lining on north and east not yet exposed; also exposed six shafts but not yet lettered and not yet started them.
(2) G 2468
G 2468 D: (G 2468 B) In shaft, below chamber I. Sand, limestone debris and rubble. Total depth 2.35 meters. Chamber II appeared. It is a north-south chamber in shaft. Roofed with slabs and bound with mud, left for photo.
Today we prepared a railway line west of M. Boraize [Baraize] house running to north between the house and the guards room. In order to remove the old debris west of G 2440.
Monday, March 11, 1940
Work on:
(1) north of G 2196
(2) north of G 2197
(3) G 2469
(4) G 2469a
(5) G 2469b [?]
(6) G 2471
(7) G 2472
(8) G 2472a
(1) North of G 2196
North of this mastaba. In exposing the remains of the lining of the mastabas. Limestone debris, red debris, rubble, big stones and sand. Exposed the lining of five mastabas, Nos. G 2469, G 2469a, G 2471, G 2472 and G 2472a. Also exposed the shafts of these mastabas. Drawing of these mastabas on page 916b.
(2) North of G 2197
North of this mastaba. In exposing the remains of the lining of the mastabas and shafts. Sand, red debris, limestone debris, rubble and stones. Exposed that lining and found contains of two mastabas Nos. G 2472 and G 2472a. also exposed shafts and lettered them. Also exposed a shaft belonging to G 2197, lettered T.
(3) G 2469
A stone mastaba, partly destroyed on east and south. In the lining of the mastaba on east an uninscribed stele, partly gone on top; it is east of G 2468, south of G 2469b and north of G 2469a. contains of three shafts, A, B, C, not started with them. East of the mastaba and north of the stele is a lining running to east and facing to north and joined the lining of the mastaba. Perhaps a doorway of a chapel running to north is a street between this mastaba and G 2471 blocked on north. Only of course the lining is preserved on that side. In the middle of the street east of the stele is a stone lining to the north-south. That lining is after the lining of the mastaba and the street.
(4) G 2469a
A rubble mastaba partly destroyed on north. It is north of G 2196, south of G 2469 and east of G 2187. Contains six shafts, A-E and X. Not started with them.
(5) G 2469 = G 2476
North of G 2469 and east of G 2467 and west of G 2471. Three shafts appeared. Lining of the mastaba not yet exposed. (See the diary of March 31, 1940, G 2475)
microfilm: end page 915
End of Diary Transcription
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