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Display page dates: 05/23/1927; 05/24/1927; 05/25/1927; 05/26/1927; 05/27/1927; 05/28/1927
Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 771
Monday, May 23, 1927 (continued)
(2) G 7530
G 7530 A: The following were found on May 15, 1927 in the pit debris: base of limestone statuette with feet,
Fragment of basalt (from sarcophagus?), three fragments of copper vessel.
Wednesday, May 25, 1927
[Work on:
(1) G 7440 Z [= G 7442]]
(1) G 7440
G 7440 Z [= G 7442]: Continued recording and removing bead network in sarcophagus, including wristlets and amulets. The wristlets included gold covered beads and clasps. The amulets of plain beadwork: [ILLUSTRATION].
Sent objects up to camp.
Men employed in packing boxes for transport to Boston.
Thursday, May 26, 1927
[Work on:
(1) G 7440 Z [= G 7442]]
(1) G 7440
G 7440 Z [= G 7442]: Completed the recording and clearance of burial. Swept out sarcophagus, turned it on one side and swept floor beneath.
Sent all boxes etc. up to camp.
Friday, May 27, 1927
Men employed packing objects for transport to Boston.
Saturday, May 28, 1927
[Work on:
(1) G 7200]
(1) Street G 7200
Cleared the south end of lower casing foundation of the east face of G 7240 for surveying the west half of street G 7200.
microfilm: end page 771
End of Diary Transcription
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