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Display page dates: 12/14/1925

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 77

Monday, December 14, 1925 (continued)

(6) G 6052 (continued)
In the southwest corner of the mastaba excavated pit B.


G 6052 B: Depth 2.20 meters. Sand and limestone rubbish to 1.75, then dirty coarse debris with traces of decayed wood, plaster, mud, and many potsherds. About fifteen R.P. bowls and basins.


An important group dated to within a generation of the line between Dynasty 5 and 6.

(7) G 7000 SW (southwest)
Working trenches 27 - 31.
XI [G 7000 SW 11]: late period in trench 30
XII [G 7000 SW 12]: pebble lined Old Kingdom pit in trench 28
XIII [G 7000 SW 13]: pebble lined Old Kingdom pit in trench 28
XIV [G 7000 SW 14]: late grave in trench 29
XV [G 7000 SW 15]: late grave in trench 29
The surface meter is changing to brown debris, that is, stained by organic decay(?).
So far, nothing has been found which could make it inadvisable to dump on this area. The main facts are clear, 1) the rock rises west-northwest; 2) it is covered by 2 - 4 meters of quarry debris (et sim); 3) on this quarry debris were built small mastabas of Old Kingdom date with rubble lined burial pits and these mastabas have been utterly destroyed; 4) in the top meter of this quarry debris are a number of Saite-Roman burial pits now empty.

microfilm: end page 77

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