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Display page dates: 01/24/1926

Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 161

Sunday, January 24, 1926 (continued)

Quftis: 90

Work on:
(1) G 7000 X
(2) Isis Temple, room P
(3) G 7150
(4) G 7151

Cars emptied:
Line IV to 8:00 am: 48, 8:30 to noon: 102, 1:00 to 4:30 pm: 122
Total: 272

(1) G 7000 X
Constructing hut around pit and stair of boards and joists with rubble footing. Fastened wires of electric light against northwest corner to prevent their swinging.
At 11:30, Mr. Edgar came officially to inspect tomb. With him were Lefebre and Engelbach. Edgar and I went down and he compared tomb as is with photograph as was and pronounced it unaltered. The others afterwards came down and agreed.
Finished hut all but door.
In the afternoon, the members of Junker's party saw the tomb.

(2) Isis Temple
Room P: Dunham cleared loculus iv in the pit. The canopic jars are not inscribed. The forms are as those of the Saite period. All four heads were found.

(3) G 7150
G 7150 F: Reached bottom of the shaft at 7.6 meters. Mixed dirty debris all the way. Two chambers, one on south and one on west. The south chamber was small and was cleared. In the west chamber a decayed wooden box of _____ period and a disturbed skeleton in mixed debris.

microfilm: end page 161

End of Diary Transcription
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