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Display page dates: 03/28/1912; 03/29/1912; 03/30/1912; 03/31/1912
Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 76
Thursday, March 28, 1912 (continued)
G 2220.
Received telegram from Girga from guards asking immediate help in guarding Mesheikh. Will send Said and sixteen men tomorrow to begin work. Rowe will follow in a few days. If the preliminary work shows interesting results, I will go there with full force.
I hear that Petrie has applied for Dahshur. This is bad news. I shall be obliged to apply prematurely and we will all be refused.
Friday, March 29, 1912
Clearing face of G 2220.
Said and fourteen men (making total of seventeen at Girga) left for Girga on the 9:30 p.m.
Saturday, March 30, 1912
Finished clearing face of G 2220 without finding any northern niche.
Begun work on space north of G 2192.
Began work on face of G 2210.
Gang now at work here, sixty-four men exclusive of guards and servants and photographic boys.
Sunday, March 31, 1912
Rowe left on morning train (8:30) for Girga with Hamza Mahmud, Abdel-Hady, Mohammedani,
microfilm: end page 76
End of Diary Transcription
Mentioned On This Page:People:
Alan Jenvey Rowe British, 1890–1968
Sir William Flinders Petrie British, 1853–1942
Hamza Mahmud
Said Ahmed Said [Diraz] (Reis)
Mohammedani Ibrahim (expedition photographer)
Alan Jenvey Rowe British, 1890–1968
Sir William Flinders Petrie British, 1853–1942
Hamza Mahmud
Said Ahmed Said [Diraz] (Reis)
Mohammedani Ibrahim (expedition photographer)
MFA Document