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Display page dates: 10/17/1913
Diary Transcription: microfilm: begin page 13
Friday, October 17, 1913
Made up list of fifty men for Mr. Wellcome's Sudan Expedition. Discussed men and plans with Dixon. The Meyyit arrived in the morning and helped me make up list. Have decided to keep Qurqar for Bates' work.
Mr. Ronald Storrs came to see me in the afternoon, but I do not know whether he had a definite object or not. He asked me whether the fears expressed in my letter to him of last winter, regarding the strict application of the division law, had been realized. I told him that we had not been seriously affected this year because we had had an unusually good one. We had for the second time in 15 years an abundance of objects to divide but this did not affect any way the opinions expressed in my letter. I offered to show him the expedition records but he had no time. Would come another day.
Proportions of mastabas: [38 x 16.6 = 100:229.5]
G 1201: (39+1.6) (17.6+110+5.6) = 40.6x 23.3 = 100:197 39 x 17.6 = 100:222 [40.7x 73.3 = 100:101]
G 1203: 23.5 x 10.1 = 100:230
G 1205: 100:230
G 1207: 100:230
G 1225: 100 x 235 25.9 x 14.83 = 100:175
G 1223: 100 x 235 25.9 x 17.4 = 100:149
G 1020: 22.15 x 11.27 = 100:197
G 1044: 24.8 x 12.4 = 100:200
G 1027: 22.55 x 10.8 = 100:205
G 1008: 14.3 x 9.4 = 100:153
G 1017: 8.8 x 5.2 = 100:175
G 1021: 13.55 x 6.45 = 100:211
G 1072: 18.45 x 9.6 = 100:103
G 1024: 26 x 11.45 = 100:227
G 1029: 14.95 x 12.5 = 100:161
G 1031: 24.35 x 14.6 = 100:167
G 1036: 13.4 x 7.05 = 100:191
G 1047: 21.45 x 17.15 = 100:181
G 1110: 21 x 10.5 = 100:200
(average of G 1020 through G 1110 - 100:189, range - 100:153/227)
microfilm: end page 13
End of Diary Transcription
Mentioned On This Page:People:
Ronald Storrs
H. W. Wellcome
Oric Bates
Mahmud Ahmed Said 'el-Meyyet' (Reis)
Mr. Dixon
Ronald Storrs
H. W. Wellcome
Oric Bates
Mahmud Ahmed Said 'el-Meyyet' (Reis)
Mr. Dixon
MFA Document