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Bernard V. Bothmer. "On Realism in Egyptian Funerary Sculpture of the Old Kingdom." In Madeleine E. Cody, ed. Egyptian Art. Selected Writings of Bernard V. Bothmer. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004, pp. 371-93. Originally published in Expedition 24/2 (Winter 1982), pp. 27-39.
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Hawass, Zahi. "The Statue of the Dwarf Pr-n(j)-anx(w) Recently Discovered at Giza." Festschrift für Werner Kaiser. Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Abteilung Kairo 47 (1991), pp. 157-162.
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Hawass, Zahi. "Excavating the Old Kingdom. The Egyptian Archaeologists." In Egyptian Art in the Age of the Pyramids. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1999, pp. 154-165.
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Junker, Hermann. "Mutter und Sohn auf einem relief des frühen Alten Reiches." Anzeiger der phil.-hist. Klasse der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Jahrgang 1953, Nr. 14, pp. 171-175.