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Result 3 of 4
Site: Giza; view: G 2360

Photo ID number: B1635_NS
Photo Subjects
Object(s) photograph: Site: Giza; view: G 2360
Gilded copper pendants, assorted beads, copper model chisels from G 2360 A: 12-11-18 (= MFA 13.3424, MFA 13.3406, pendants and beads), 12-11-17 (chisel), 12-11-15 (chisel or drill), 12-11-16 (chisel or drill)
Photo date: 01/07/1913
Problems/Questions: Problem: object number: only top three chisels ID'ed, registration number for two more and fragment unknown // all else VERIFIED: description expanded based on object register; MFA accession numbers verified
MET 05 : Non organic / Metal: Copper
MET 02 : Jewelry / Necklace: Bead
MET 02 : Model / Tool (model): Chisel (model)
MET 02 : Model / Tool (model): Drill (model)
MET 02 : Jewelry