Result 3 of 352
Site: Giza; view: G 2370, G 2382

Photo ID number: A859_NS
Photo Subjects
Object(s) photograph: Site: Giza; view: G 2370, G 2382
Senedjemib Complex: fragments of alabaster statues (royal) from G 2370 B and G 2382 A: 12-12-176: top and middle row (first on left): 12-12-176.1 (= MFA 47.2116, two fitting fragments, inscribed, belongs with fragments from 14-12-49a); top row: 12-12-176.2 (= MFA 47.2117, one fragment, inscribed), 12-12-176.3 (= MFA 47.2118, two fitting fragments, portion of arm or leg), 12-12-176.4 (= MFA 47.2119, two fitting fragments, portion of chest with lappet); middle row: 12-12-176.5 (= MFA 47.2120, one fragment, inscribed), 12-12-176.6 (= MFA 47.2121, one fragment, inscribed), 12-12-176.7 (= MFA 47.2122, two fitting fragments, joins .12), 12-12-176.8 (one fragment); bottom row: 12-12-176.9 (= MFA 47.2123, one fragment, inscribed), 12-12-176.10 (= MFA 47.2124, one fragment inscribed), 12-12-176.11 (= MFA 47.2125, one fragment, portion of lappet), 12-12-176.12 (= MFA 47.2126, one fragment, joins .7), 12-12-176.13 (= MFA 47.2127, one fragment)
Photo date: 01/14/1913
Remarks: 12-12-176.1 (two fragments forming part of one cartouche) + 14-12-49.24 + 14-12-49.26 + 14-12-49.34 + 14-12-49.38 + 14-12-49.44 + 14-12-49.45 + 14-12-49.46 all from same statue.
Problems/Questions: VERIFIED: objects not illustrated; 12-12-176 references this photo; MFA accession numbers verified
MET 05 : Non organic / Rock: Calcite/alabaster
MET 02 : Sculpture in the round: Statue
MET 07 : Fragment