Result 6 of 138
Site: Giza; view: G 5110

Photo ID number: B2592_NS
Photo Subjects
Object(s) photograph: Site: Giza; view: G 5110
Fragments of sides of thrones of alabaster royal statues from G 5110: all 14-12-49a: fitting fragments on left: 14-12-49a (= MFA 21.952a-c); fitting fragments upper right: 14-12-49.44 (two of four fitting fragments); fitting fragments lower right: 14-12-49.27 (one additional fragment shown here not included in .27)
Photo date: 08/18/1915
Remarks: 14-12-49a (= MFA 21.952a-c) + several undescribed fragments from 14-12-49 (not shown here, but now identified as 14-12-49.5, 14-12-49.6, 14-12-49.37, 14-12-49.40) all part of same statue
Problems/Questions: VERIFIED: specific identifications for multiple (undescribed) fragments 14-12-49 made based on images in Artemis; MFA accession number verified