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Site: Giza; View: D 103, D 104, D 105, D 107, D 109, D 108, D 110

Photo ID number: o_neg_nr_0503
Photo Subjects
Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: D 103, D 104, D 105, D 107, D 109, D 108, D 110
Junker Cemetery (east) / Steindorff Cemetery: D 103, with D 104 (to NE) (middle ground left), D 105, with D 107 (to N), and D 109 and D 108 (to NE) (middle ground center), D 110 (middle ground right), looking N to mastaba G 2000 (E-W line of RR tracks at S edge of Steindorff cemetery, foreground)