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Result 111 of 135
Site: Giza; view: G 7101, G 7510, G 7710, G 7050, G 7230-7240, G 7523, street G 7400, G 7102, G 7515, G 7410-7420

Photo ID number: B6244_NS
Photo Subjects
Object(s) photograph: Site: Giza; view: G 7101, G 7510, G 7710, G 7050, G 7230-7240, G 7523, street G 7400, G 7102, G 7515, G 7410-7420
Copper tools: group of four items, upper left: [G 7101] 24-12-80 (= MFA 24.2721), [G 7510 W] 25-4-49b, [G 7710 A] 25-3-182 (= MFA 25.2630), [G 7050] 26-1-853; horizontal item, top: [G 7230-7240: G 7240] 26-4-107: eight vertical items, bottom row: [G 7523 B] 25-3-41 (= MFA 25.2611), [street G 7400, G 7410-7420: G 7420] 25-1-589 (= MFA 25.1744), [G 7102 C] 25-1-436 (= MFA 25.1633, two tools), 25-1-437 (= MFA 25.1634, two tools), [G 7515 A] 25-3-297 (= MFA 25.2688), [G 7523 B] 25-3-40 (= MFA 25.2610)
Photo date: 05/18/1927
Problems/Questions: VERIFIED: 24-1-436 corrected to read 25-1-436, 24-1-437 corrected to read 25-1-437; 26-1-854 incorrectly references this photo; description corrected and expanded, arrangement and identifications verified based on annotated mounted print and object register; MFA accession numbers verified