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Result 109 of 135
Site: Giza; view: G 7102

Photo ID number: AAW461
Photo Subjects
Object(s) photograph: Site: Giza; view: G 7102
Fragments of alabaster royal statue from debris over chapel of G 7102 (profile proper right): 25-1-587 (= MFA 27.1466)
Photo date: 1998
Image published: Egyptian Art in the Age of the Pyramids. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1999, p. 254, cat. 57.
Problems/Questions: VERIFIED: identification verified based on object register; MFA accession number verified; duplicate of official Visual Archives photo
MET 05 : Non organic / Rock: Calcite/alabaster
MET 02 : Sculpture in the round: Statue
MET 08 : Human / Man: King
MET 08 : Human / Man: Unspecified man
MET 06 : Stone-technique: Carved
MET 07 : Fragment