Related: Merptahankh-Pepi (in G 2381)
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Site: Giza; view: G 2382, G 2381

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  • Site: Giza; view: G 2382, G 2381
  • Site: Giza; view: G 2382, G 2381
Merptahankh-Pepi (in G 2381), Male
Also known as:
  • Manuel de Codage:
  • mrptHanxppj
  • Alternate spelling:
  • Ptahmerankh-Pepi
  • Alternate spelling:
  • Pepi-merptahankh
  • Alternate spelling:
  • Mer-ptah-ankh-pepi
  • Primary Name:
  • Merptahankh-Pepi
Remarks: Brother ([sn=f] his brother) of Merptahankh-meryre Nekhebu (owner of G 2381). Appears in chapel relief in G 2381: 1) scene (13-1-555 = MFA 13.4346) depicting seated figure of Nekhebu (facing right) and three registers of offering bearers (facing left) leading cattle and gazelle, male figure of Merptahankh-Pepi (facing left, only head preserved on one block MFA 13.4346.2) in front of figure of Nekhebu, identified as [Xrj-Hb smsw] senior lector-priest; 2) scene (13-1-549 = MFA 13.4331) from wall adjoining autobiographical inscription (13-1-547) depicting Nekhebu spear fishing, standing male figure (facing left, only partly preserved on one block MFA 13.4331.20) in front of figure of Nekhebu, with short identifying inscription [sn=f mrj=f Xrj-Hb smsw jmAx...] "his brother, whom he loves, the senior lector-priest, the honored [...]", probably represents Merptahankh-Pepi; blocks of relief found displaced in Senedjemib Complex court (G 2382).