Photo ID number: B2593_NS
Photo subjects: Object(s) photograph: Site: Giza; view: G 5110, G 5412, G 5411
Description: Fragments of sides of thrones of alabaster royal statues: top left and (all but one in) vertical column on right: 14-12-49a, including [top left] [G 5110] 14-12-49.45, [column on right] 14-12-49.35, [G 5412] 14-12-65 (= MFA 14.1751.11), [G 5110] 14-12-49.34, 14-12-49.10 (left), 14-12-49.33 (right); bottom left: [N of G 5412] 14-12-58a + 14-12-58c + [G 5411] 14-12-63a (= MFA 14.1056)
Photo date: 08/18/1915