Photo ID number: B1617_NS
Photo subjects: Object(s) photograph: Site: Giza; view: G 2382, G 2381
Description: Senedjemib Complex: nine fragments of relief from G 2382 (originally thought to be a tomb, but now known to be a jumbled deposit of limestone blocks from other nearby tombs): top row: [originally from G 2381] 13-1-555 (= MFA 13.4346.6) (rephotographed in combination with B1293, B1321, and parts of B1613, B 1618 as A7051), [originally from G ____] 13-1-558gg (= MFA 13.5876); middle row: [originally from G 2381] 13-1-557 (= MFA 13.5831.14, inscribed architrave), [originally from G 2381] 13-1-558o (= MFA 13.5830.4), [originally from G 2381] 13-1-558l (= MFA 13.5936.7), [originally from G 2381] 13-1-545 (= MFA 13.4335, part of frieze of standing figures of Nekhebu); bottom row: [attributed to G 2381] 13-1-558n (= MFA 13.5983), [originally from G 2381] 13-1-557 (= MFA 13.5831.3, inscribed architrave, displayed upside down), [originally from G 2381] 13-1-555 (= MFA 13.4346.5)
Photo date: 01/03/1913