Photo ID number: B1670_NS

Photo subjects: Object(s) photograph: Site: Giza; view: G 2382, G 2370, G 2381, G 2386, G 2461'

Description: Senedjemib Complex: fragments of inscription and relief from G 2382 (originally thought to be a tomb, but now known to be a jumbled deposit of limestone blocks from other nearby tombs): left, first block: [originally from G 2370] __-__-__ (inscription C); left, second block: [attributed to G 2381] 13-1-558g (belongs with MFA 13.4340, joins blocks in B1642 and B1648); right, top row: [] __-__-__; [probably near G 2461', originally from G ____] __-__-__ (probably 12-12-208, = MFA 13.5993.6); right, bottom row: [originally from G 2381] 13-1-547 (= MFA 13.4331.12, autobiographical inscription of Nekhebu); [originally from G 2386, chapel of Sabuptah Ibebi] 13-1-558dd (= MFA 13.5979, related to MFA 13.4345)

Photo date: 01/19/1913