Photo ID number: A997_NS
Photo subjects: Object(s) photograph: Site: Giza; view: G 2370, G 2374, G 2384, G 2371, G 2382, G 2381
Description: Senedjemib Complex: miscellaneous model jars, and other objects: top row: [G 2370] 12-11-20b (copper model neckless shoulder jar), [G 2370 A] 12-11-28 (= MFA 13.3132, alabaster model cylinder jar), 12-11-29 (= MFA 13.3394, upper left, pottery model bowl), [G 2374] 12-11-33 (upper right, fragment of alabaster headrest), [G 2384] 12-12-34 (= MFA 13.3145, lower, fragment of alabaster offering stand); middle row: [G 2371] 12-11-35 (alabaster boring core), [G 2382] 12-12-5 (two fragments of basalt vessel), [G 2381] 12-12-17 (two rough alabaster model dishes); bottom row: [G 2382] 13-1-537 (= MFA 13.3138, limestone model box from servant statue), [G 2382] 12-12-12 (= MFA 13.3133, alabaster model jar), [G 2381] 12-12-17 (two rough alabaster model dishes)
Photo date: June 1913