Photo ID number: A865_NS
Photo subjects: Western Cemetery: Site: Giza; View: G 2375, G 2374, G 2414, G 2413, G 2412, G 2371, G 2360, G 2411, G 2410, G 2362, G 2363, G 2364, G 2365, G 2366
Description: Cemetery G 2300: G 2375 abutting N wall of G 2374 (foreground left), G 2414 and G 2413 (immediately W of G 2375, foreground center left), G 2412 and G 2411 (foreground right) with G 2410 abutting S wall of G 2411 (middle ground right), G 2371 and G 2360 (background right) with row of small mastabas abutting E face of G 2360 including G 2366, G 2365, G 2464, G 2363, G 2364, looking SSE from photographic tower
Photo date: 01/21/1913