Photo ID number: B1658_NS
Photo subjects: Object(s) photograph: Site: Giza; view: G 2360
Description: Stone objects from G 2360 A: top row: 12-11-9 (eleven of thirty alabaster model dishes of various shapes); middle row: 12-11-6 (= MFA 13.3128, alabaster model jar with handle), 12-11-10 (= MFA 13.3129, base of limestone headrest), 12-11-5 (= MFA 13.3130, alabaster offering table), 12-11-9 (one of thirty alabaster model dishes), 12-11-7 (= MFA 13.3131, alabaster model jar), 12-11-8 (broken alabaster model jar), 12-11-9 (one of thirty alabaster model dishes); bottom row: 12-11-14 (= MFA 13.3104a-b, MFA 13.3105a-b, MFA 13.3107a-b, MFA 13.3106a-b, four limestone canopic jars with lids)
Photo date: 01/17/1913